Get a stable and scalable organization where people thrive. Zoios helps you lift and professionalise leadership with insights and action.
Reporting on women in leadership, salary per team or engagement across countries should be easy. With Zoios it is.
Zoios operates on a proven framework for elevating employee- and workplace well-being. The survey explains an astonishing 69% of the variance in job satisfaction.
You'll be able to look into e.g. women in leadership over time, headcount per department or salary increase per country.
Our team will help you configure the segmentation you need. That may include everything from locations, department and teams to age, gender, tenure and personality type.
You can finally stop doing analysis in Excel, creating powerpoints and distributing PDF reports. All data is available 24/7 in the digital platform for HR, management and leaders.
Well-being increases by 18% across all drivers in the first six months.
Work-related stress scores decrease by 19% in the first six months.
Self-reported employee satisfaction increases by 14% in the first six months.
Our data model and AI approach enables more clarity and context.
We utilize a structured approach across all companies, to ensure you are part of the collective data model.
We have analyzed data from thousands of people and tracked numerous initiatives to determine what works and what doesn't.
The application of intelligent Gen-AI enables us to not only identify insights, but give you contextual recommendations in real-time.
Your people are your business. Act accordingly.