Get a stable and scalable organization where people thrive. Zoios helps you lift and professionalise leadership with insights and action.
"You can granulate the data and have even more detail in terms of what is happening specifically... So when we have a feeling we can actually validate if it something we need to tackle or not."
“We can follow the trends and facilitate dialogues to make small or large changes in our everyday work-life - to ensure we accomodate what motives people and develop as consultants.”
"Jeg synes fordelen ved de konkrete data, og at vi kan følge udviklingen over tid, gør at vi både for be- og afkræftet vores intuitioner. Det gør også at der er noget konkret at forholde sig til og arbejde med."
We have already done it for
"I've been working with a lot 'people and culture platforms, but Zoios is the first one I have tried that actually makes it easy, accessible and actionable to create changes that matter. Ongoing meetings with their talented consultants ensure that we are constantly heading in the right direction"
Head of People & Culture
"At SustainX, our culture statement is 'We take care of ourselves, each other, and the planet.' The order is important, and Zoios is a tool we use to assess whether we are creating the right conditions for everyone to thrive, take care of themselves, and feel good at work."
Partner & Head of HR
" We do not have a formal hierarchy and the analyzes prove that our employees really thrive in that. But Zoios has still really helped us identify the areas where we can, and should, strive to improve. "
HR & Operations Lead
" As an agency, the core of our business is our people. Zoios has been our organizational compass. It helps us navigate by delivering reports, analyses, insights, or ideas for all our management meetings. "
Founder & CEO
" We suddenly save 4-5 hours of work every month. Plus, we get far better data! For me, it means more time to focus on actually improving well-being based on the insights we get. "
Head of People & Culture
"You have a monthly advisory session with your personal consultant... which works like a sanity check. It empowers you to give executive management the right advice. The other platforms don't have that..."
Below are links to more relevant case studies from clients.
" We suddenly save 4-5 hours of work every month. Plus, we get far better data! For me, it means more time to focus on actually improving well-being based on the insights we get. "
Read the full case" As an agency, the core of our business is our people. Zoios has been our organizational compass. It helps us navigate by delivering reports, analyses, insights, or ideas for all our management meetings. "
Read the full case" We do not have a formal hierarchy and the analyzes prove that our employees really thrive in that. But Zoios has still really helped us identify the areas where we can, and should, strive to improve. "
Read the full case